We offer Digital Downloads World Wide.
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(For Downloads ONLY)
Ask for our list what you see in the store is not all that we have for download available.
A price of a Download is the same as a film on DVD.
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International Shipping Varies World wide
(Downloads Available World Wide).
If your requesting a Download you will get a Download only.
No DVD will be sent in the mail.
Films DO NOT have Subtitles or Closed Caption.
Unless posted in store.
The quality of the film may vary depending on what you're playing the film back on.
Lines of resolution now a days is better than back then.
Once you are sent a download link you will have 1 week to download the film.
All downloads requested after 5pm (Est.) will be made the following day.
Please check spam a=and be sure your email address is correct.
When making a purchase and requesting a download
Please put it in note to seller during the checkout process.
Once Payment is made we will grab the DVD and convert it to AVI.
That takes about a hour. It's a hour to upload the film to our cloud.
Once the film is ready to be sent to be downloaded
You will get a email saying your film is ready to Download.
Click Download it will bring your to another page.
Make sure the film is 100% done downloading before you play it.
Downloads are made according to payment received.
Please be patient when requesting a download.
Downloads are made upon request there will be no refunds if you don't know how to download the film to burn it.
Avi's do not play on MAC computers or I PAD's MP4 is the format.
The formats we offer are Avi or MP4
Please be patient when requesting this service.
It takes time to make them on Demand.
Normal upload time before is before 5 pm any download that comes in after will be made the following day.
Thank you for your interest in our collection. We are glad to help you all.